The Qantas Skybed. The Apple iPod. TheSunbeam Mixmaster. The Dyson vacuumcleaner. What do these products have incommon? IP Australia and the AustralianInternational Design Awards invite you tofind out.
DESIGN/WARS is a unique event intended togive industrial designers practical insightsinto the creation, protection and enforcementof their intellectual property. This field canoften be a battleground, with creativedesigners fighting against free-ridingcopycats for prominence in the marketplace.Come along and learn what you can do tosafeguard your designs and hear about howothers have fought the battle and won.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Embody 3D, Embody 3D and Martin Gibson, Embody 3D. Embody 3D said: Design Wars – Free DIA Event at the Powerhouse Museum (Sydney) […]