It’s that chilly time of year (well not in Australia anyway) but certainly in Vancouver the home of the 21st Winter Olympic Games. The Winter Olympics and winter sports in general are still so new and it is a real area of innovation and design experimentalism. It is exciting each games to not only witness the top athletes in the world compete, but also the competition of the industrial designers to design the fastest, coolest, sleekest and most comfortable designs to help give athletes the winning edge. As we have seen in these olympics gold medalists have won their events by fractions of a second, so why wouldn’t you use the best industrial design has to offer? Please comment on your favourite/least favourite designs!
Article by Martin Gibson – Twitter – 28.02.2010
simply beautiful. the medals close up look really nice but on the tv they don’t look as good. the podium is an interesting design, very canadian, but sure wont suit all tastes
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I am not a fan of that tray for the medals. It kind of reminds me of wooden panelling inside homes in the 70’s. It does look traditional though.
I think the medals look revolting, why on earth would you make them or wonky and bent, when it comes to the olympics you have to stick to tradition.
it was a very engoyable olympic games but i am very much look forward to the football world cup this years
The pink helmet is beautiful. Everything else is ok, nothing special. Peace OUT omegos
The girl is cute, oh yeah and the designs are cute 2