Article by Martin Gibson – Twitter – 10.06.2010
The Red Dot 2010 Design Competition is now running! Find out more information about this years competition here.

obsideon is a personal refuge (for economy-class passengers) from the hustle and bustle of airports, and is offered as an additional service of the airline. |

Mr Sang Hoon LEE, Mr Kyu Won KIM, Mr Jae Wan PARK |
Hope Cradle sends a message of support and hope to the children born into poverty in Africa who face difficult odds. |

Mr Jianbo HUANG, Miss Ting ZHAO |
C3 Hotel Cube is an environmentally friendly caravan that provides short-distance travellers with the conveniences of a hotel. |

Mr Hsu Hua HUANG, Mr Chien Chou HUNG, Mr Chao Hung LAI |
BLOX-HOUSE is a prefabricated modular building with a flexible system that allows multiple assembly options. |

Miss Chia-Jung TSAI, Miss Hsiang-Yu LI, Mr Tzu-Yang SHIAO, Mr Cheng-Min TSAI |
When an earthquake occurs, the most urgent problem is to help survivors secure food, water, and shelter after the disaster. The 72hrs relief kit solves the supplies issue but also communicates the well wishes of the relief team. |

Mr Robert WATSON |
“4 in one” Rapid Deployment Emergency Shelters are four highly insulated, lightweight shelter packs capable of storing water and being totally re-useable. They are transported in a purpose-designed ISO shipping container that is also used for providing accommodation. |