We hear you, rostering is boring and no fun, but with WP Roster Pro and the free open-source WordPress content management system, you can create a roster system which is automated, editable by multiple users and is easy to use and looks fantastic for people members of your church, business or organisation. Although created for everyone, WP Roster Pro is great for developers to extend the functionality into a wider CMS system if required.
Designed for churches and other organisations, WP Roster Pro provides a great middle-ground option which sits between having a full-blown CRM system which can be clunky and requires a lot of resources to maintain, and not to mention typically high ongoing fees; and DIY Excel spreadsheets which are hard to share, don’t look and work too great and aren’t the best solution to organise teams and events.
To learn more about the base features of the plugin and to try out the standard features please download the free version of the plugin.
But WP Roster Pro adds more advanced must-have features to your rostering system.
8 Great Reasons to Pick WP Roster Pro
1. Create multiple rosters
Need to create more than one roster? Perhaps your church has multiple services or your business or organisation has multiple departments or divisions? Then use WP Roster Pro to have separate rosters for each group! Each roster has unique settings and you can even completely duplicate an existing roster and make specific changes to it, or use the duplicates as backups.
2. Notifications
One of the most valuable features of the pro version is the ability to create automatic notifications for your roster which means you can set and forget and let WP Roster Pro pick up the drudgery that is rostering. For each notification you can set the days before the event you want to send the notification and also the time of the day you want to send the notification. Create filters to send messages to people who are only on a particular team using multiple is/is not logic. Make your notifications interesting with dynamic shortcodes! Insert the person’s name, the date/day/time of the event and also the person/item/text on other teams. This means you can create notifications like: “Hi Bob, you are on Guitar on Sunday and the songs are X,Y and Z”.
Each person/member can have individual notification preferences which means people can receive either an SMS, email, none or both! Yes that’s right, WP Roster Pro supports SMS notifications with an integration with the PAYG SMS service Sinch. Simply enter in your Sinch credentials and off you go!
You can also send ad hoc bulk messages! Send a notification to everyone on a particular date, to people part of a particular team or notification group, or to all people on your roster. WP Roster Pro also has a handy notification log where you can see the status of messages and it also gives you the ability to resend messages.
Please note, SMS costs are not included as part of the plugin as this is done through your account with Sinch. Sinch provides really really cheap SMS’s and convenient ways to pay.
3. Contact Upload
Need to add multiple contacts/members from your existing system? Use our CSV template to quickly copy and paste your data and then upload the CSV to WP Roster Pro through the settings interface.
4. Bulk Add Dates
Add multiple dates with a click of a button. The bulk dates feature allows you to create a specified number of dates on a weekly or monthly basis.
5. Unavailable Rows
Provide the ability for users to mark down their unavailability for particular dates to help you and others complete your roster. There’s also a setting to enable/disable guest users from performing this functionality. The plugins built-in duplicate highlighting will highlight if you put someone on the roster who is currently unavailable.
6. Dynamic Run Sheet Template
For each roster you can create a run sheet template which creates a PDF document which you can print or use during the event. To create the template we provide a basic text editor which you can place dynamic shortcode into, this includes the date/day/time of the event and also a shortcode for each team which makes it easy to create a fully automated run sheet for each event.
7. Take Attendance!
Yes, that’s right WP Roster Pro is more than just rostering, you can also record attendance of groups and rosters/services as well. You can download reports in a CSV format as well as quickly view average statistics.
8. Awesome Support
If you have any questions on how to use the plugin or how to best set things up we are always happy to help. With WP Roster Pro you get priority support and a better on-boarding service.
Awesome functionality at an affordable price!
WP Roster Pro comes with all the great features of the free version of the plugin but steps things up a level with the above features!
WP Roster Pro includes free updates for 1 year and the plugin can be renewed for continual updates if necessary.
Purchase WP Roster Pro today!
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1 Year Licence
- 1 Year of updates and support
- Optional manual renewal
What is the difference between the Subscription vs 1 year Licence? Learn more here.