The red dot: luminary is the penultimate prize of the red dot award: design concept. Over the years, the best concept can range from the most aesthetic to the most comprehensive and complete. Anyone or any team can win the red dot: luminary, the most recent, over the years have been Philips Design’s Microbial home, Saab Automobile and GM Europe’s Aero X concept car, DesignExchange’s SIRIUS Breast Cancer Scanner to Francesco Sommacal’s 360 or Lim Sun Liang’s Ring Faucet.
In order to be even more inclusive, the red dot award: design concept has been accepting entries in English, German, Chinese and Korean since 2011. Jury members who are native speakers of the above languages make up a part of the full panel of over 20 design experts.
If you believe that your product design idea will be the next big thing, now is the time to tell the rest of the world. The red dot award: design concept is the platform you need.
Judging Criteria: Components include degree of innovation, aesthetic quality, realization possibility, functionality and usefulness, manufacturing efficiency and emotional content.
Prize: Winners stand to benefit from an array of marketing opportunities, brand recognition from the red dot label as well as international media exposure from the publication of their winning work in the annual red dot design concept yearbook, media features and an exclusive chance to exhibit their prototypes at the red dot design museum.
Entry fees: From $50 Singapore Dollars for individual designers, to $100 Singapore Dollars for company submissions.
Early bird period ends on February 29, 2012. Submissions can be made until June 27, 2012.